How to Write a Birthday Speech: 5 Tips from Experts

A birthday is a wonderful event that brings families and friends together. It is a celebration of life, and a great speech from someone close to the birthday person can be the icing on the cake. It can leave a lasting impression, especially if it comes from the heart.

Before you begin writing a birthday speech, you will need to have a wonderful topic as well as deliver information to the audience in a way that will captivate them. Putting together a birthday speech is very easy if the tips below are followed religiously; however,  professional speech writing services are also available to custom help those who are finding it hard to write one.

Gather information 

Any professional speech writing service will tell you that before you begin writing your birthday speech or any form of text, you need to gather as much information as possible about the party. The first thing you need to know or gather information about is the people who will be at the party.  Is it a family-only event? Will there be friends at the event as well? This information can be found out by asking family members or close friends. Ask them to see if they would like you to add some of their thoughts to your speech.

The second thing you need to find out is if the birthday will be informal or formal. You’ll have to dress for the occasion because you don’t want to wear the wrong outfit and embarrass yourself. Ask about this before you go shopping for your outfit. The third thing you need to know is the number of speakers at the party. Find out from people organizing the party how many speakers will be there, in what order or if you’ll be the only speaker, and how long you’ll have to deliver your speech.

Think about the tone of your speech

Just like any other speech, it needs to have a tone and this has to be positive, entertaining, and light-hearted. You don’t want to add anything in your speech that might cause tension at an event where people are looking to have a good time, that’s the advice from expert writing services. You will not make a good impression on people if you fill your speech with foul language and plenty of embarrassing stories.

Keep things child-friendly just to be safe especially if the parents of the birthday person are there. There is nothing wrong with adding one or two jokes in there for a few laughs; however, make sure they’re not dirty jokes. No one wants to hear inappropriate jokes when they are trying to have a good time. There is a time and place for everything, if you are going to throw in some jokes, make sure they fit in with the tone of the speech and not sound out of place. 

Be organized

Being organized is something that goes under the radar, but it is a very important skill for writers. Your speech needs to have 3 very important components which are an introduction, the main body, and a wonderful conclusion. The introduction needs to have a fun anecdote that will capture everyone’s attention. Start by being polite, and thank everyone for making it to the event and bringing gifts. Take a moment to also thank the person who has been allowed to male the speech, as well as the party planners.

Lastly, don’t forget to thank the birthday person for inviting you to their event, it is embarrassing to leave them out of your speech. In the main body, you should talk about things like the good times you shared with the birthday person and wish them well for the future. The conclusion of your birthday speech should end with a toast to good health and congratulating the people on adding another year to their life.

Don’t prolong your speech, make it short

The length of your birthday speech should depend on the situation and the party itself, but keeping things under 10 minutes is highly advised by paper writers. Anything longer than that cannot be considered a birthday speech at all. If you make your speech longer than it should, you’ll start putting people or party guests to sleep, which is not the reason they attended the party.

They’re attending the party to help celebrate, and your birthday speech has to be memorable, concise, and not something that overstays its welcome. Don’t overstep or take advantage of the chance to speak by stealing the limelight from the person celebrating their big day. 

Practice the speech

They say that practice makes perfect, and the same logic applies when it comes to perfecting a birthday speech. Try to write your speech on cue cards and practice it as many times as possible to ensure it’s perfect, even if it was written by an essay writing company. Does it flow how you want it? Are there any stumbles in the text?

Correct all of these beforehand to ensure you delivered a well-polished speech on the big day that will leave a lasting impression on the party-goers. You don’t want to show up at a party with a speed that sounds unprepared, unorganized, and rushed. Guests at the party will see right through it, making it super important to always practice your speech before the big day. 

Having good quotes and jokes can make your birthday speech very engaging for the birthday person and those in attendance, even if you enlisted the help of an expert writer. Birthday speeches are a great way to wrap up a wonderful day; however, you don’t want to say anything embarrassing to ruin the atmosphere. People in attendance are there for a good time, not a miserable one.

Using the tips above in this article will ensure your speech causes no drama and everyone enjoys what you have to say at the event. Remember to use only one or two jokes at most in your speech, and make it about the person celebrating the birthday and less about personal things they might be going through in their life.
